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Charleston Was Cool Before it Was Cool....

Charleston was cool before it was cool…..

Everybody who lives here knows Charleston is a cool place to live.Where else can you find surf hang-outs, plantation gardens, and family- friendly arts, music and food festivals available to enjoy every weekend of the year?

And while this city is quickly gaining a reputation for being a hip place to live and work, here are three reasons we think our city has always had the cool factor going on....

  • Charleston is the birthplace of jazz great Freddie Green; born downtown in 1911.

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This cool Charlestonian and definitive rhythm guitarist was a member of the famous Count Basie Band. Freddie often accompanied the incomparable Billie Holiday, and was inducted into the Jazz Hall of Fame:

Long before the hipster food trucks arrived downtown, (and we're glad they did- can you say "lobsta roll?") Charleston already had cool cat downtown street vendors like this guy who put the "cool" in start up.....

And long before The Black Lives Matter activists came to town, highschool students from Burke High (the youngest was 16) showed the world how to stand up for what they believed in with peaceful demonstration tactics.... These courteous and brave young students effected immediate change by being the ultimate in postive powers of example....the ultimate in cool...

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Charleston is a cool place to live. There's no doubt. We just thought a little reminder about how this "cool-pipeline" helped bring us to the hip status that we have earned today might be a great way to celebrate this glorious weekend in the Loccountry....

Want to keep cool all summer? Give us a call- we put the "cool" in air conditioning repair...

Until next time

Stay chill....

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